Thursday, February 18, 2010

Small Treasures, Small Pleasures

 I got this little 2 inch brass thingamabob years ago-I can't remember when or where.  I had it sitting in my little curio cabinet. where it never thought of it.  Today I decided it would make a neat pendant. It's made of brass and has a wonderful scrollwork design aroound it.
  I was surprised to hear something rattling around inside it.  When I unscrewed it I found a wooden needle holder with a bit of thread still wrapped around it.  There was also a rusty thimble inside. What a treasure, especially since I love to sew.
 I'm having fun thinking of what I could do with this.

Here it is, opened with its contents:

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  1. What a wonderful surprise! It must have been so much fun discovering that treasure inside. I think it will make a great pendant.

  2. That is a THRILL. My suggestion would be to make an assemblage honoring sewing.

    Or a pendant. I'm torn!
    ~ Sooz

  3. a sewing bullet of sorts - what a COOL treasure!
