Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Woodland Santa

This framed cross stitch project is always the first thing I decorate with when the holiday season rolls around.  I stitched it about ten years ago when we were living in Albuquerque full time.  It is about 15 x16 inches, not including the frame.  It took me a long time to complete and I doubt I'll ever tackle anything as ornate as this is ever again.  The eyes and my patience aren't what they used to be!
I love how the gold frame and the green velvet compliment this.
I entered it into the New Mexico State fair competition.  It won First Place Blue ribbon and Best of Show that year.
It has to be one of my favorites and always occupies a prominent place in my home. Pin It


  1. Love your banner art, Teresa. And your Santa with the animals. Long ago, in another life, I had a business designing cross stitch and needlepoint ... wildlife subjects. No way that I could do that now!!!

  2. Cute Blog, Theresa. Your Santa is beautiful. My daughter Beckie does things like this but I would never have the patience (or eyesight) to do it, so I really appreciate people with that talent.
